Follow ups questions for-Describe a speech you gave

Describe a speech you gave or Describe a talk you gave to a group of people 1. Why do people get nervous when they speak in public?People feel nervous when speaking in public for various reasons such as a lack of confidence, insufficient knowledge about the subject, fear of judgment, or introverted tendencies. 2. How …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe a book that you have read

Describe a book that you have read many times 1. Do you prefer books or movies?I prefer reading books over watching movies because movies often fail to capture the intricate details and emotions that books convey. However, finding time to read books can be challenging, so I occasionally opt for watching movies. 2. Do you …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe a long car journey you

Describe a long car journey you went on or a long car journey your remember well 1. What will cars be like in the future?In the future, cars might run on alternative energy sources, such as solar power, biodiesel, or other alternatives, in addition to the existing electric options. The possibility of flying cars could …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe a place in your country that

Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting 1. How can people access travel information?People can access travel information through various means, including travel websites, mobile apps, guidebooks, travel agencies, and social media platforms. Additionally, seeking advice from friends and family who have traveled to the same destination is another valuable source. …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe a person who enjoys cooking

Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others 1. What do we need to prepare when we need to cook?When preparing to cook, one needs to gather ingredients, utensils, and a suitable recipe. This involves collecting necessary items, chopping vegetables, measuring spices, and organizing everything in the kitchen. 2. Do you agree that food is …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe a time when you had a problem

Describe a time when you had a problem with using the computer 1. What do people use computers for?Many individuals use computers for various purposes, such as studying, working, playing games, and staying connected with friends and family. Computers facilitate the completion of tasks in a faster and more efficient manner. 2. Should students be …

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Follow ups questions for-Describe an occasion when you

Describe an occasion when you waited a long time for a nice thing 1. On what occasions do people have to wait for a long time?In my country, people experience prolonged waits for nearly every aspect of life. Whether it’s public transport, banks, religious places, or government offices, queues are omnipresent due to our status …

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