IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Crowded Place

Crowded Place a. Which places do you believe attract large crowds?Public places like shopping malls, sports stadiums, and others tend to be heavily populated. b. When did you last find yourself amidst a throng of people?I attended a crowded concert on New Year’s Eve. A renowned singer performed at a resort, and thousands of people …

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Driving

Driving 1. Do you frequently operate a vehicle?Yes, I drive every day for my classes or work. 2. Do you desire your children to learn driving in the future?Yes, it is a crucial skill that everyone should acquire. 3. Do you possess a driver’s license?Yes, I obtained my driver’s license when I turned 18. 4. …

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Island

Island 1. No, I have not visited any islands, but I have observed many islands on television and would love to visit one someday.Are there islands in your country? 2. Yes, India has the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.Would you be interested in residing on an island? 3. Well, I would certainly like to give it …

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Festival

Festival a. What is your favorite festival?My favorite festival is Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, celebrated during winters. b. How do you observe this festival?I engage in various activities on Diwali. I purchase new clothes, clean and decorate my house with vibrant festive lights. I share sweets with friends, exchange gifts, and …

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IELTS Speaking Part 1 – Introduction – Walking

Walking a. Do you engage in a lot of walking?Yes, I enjoy walking. It is likely the only exercise that I partake in. b. Have you increased your walking compared to the past?Yes, I recently acquired a fitness tracker that monitors the number of steps I take each day. Since obtaining it, I have been …

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