April 2024

IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 75

Questions 1-6  Watch a video about playing sports and decide which type of definition (A-I) corresponds with each description and write your answers in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet. 1  ABCDEFGHI The team/player who is less likely to win the match  2  ABCDEFGHI A disease that is related to the related to the amount of sugar in the blood  3  ABCDEFGHI An objective 4  ABCDEFGHI Respect …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 74

Questions 1-6   Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. Camber’s Theme Park 1    According to the speaker, in what way is Camber’s different from other theme parks? A  It’s suitable for different age groups. B  It offers lots to do in wet weather. C  It has a focus on education. 2   The Park first opened in A  1980. B  1997. C  2004. 3    What’s included …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 73

Questions 1-10  Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. ‘Self-regulatory focus theory’ and leadership Self-regulatory focus theory People’s focus is to approach pleasure or avoid pain Promotion goals focus on 1  Prevention goals emphasise avoiding punishment Factors that affect people’s focus The Chronic Factor The 3  Factor How people’s focus affects them Promotion Focus: People think …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 72

Questions 1-10  Listen from here Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Health club customer research Example Answer Name: Selina Thompson Occupation: 1  Age group: 2  Type of membership: 3  Length of membership: 4  years Why joined: Recommended by a 5  Visits to club per month: Eight (on an average) Facility …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 70

Questions 1-10  Listen from here You will hear a psychology undergraduate describing the research she is currently doing on expertise in creative writing. Complete the flow chart below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. Expertise in creative writing Background – researcher had previously studied 1  Had initial idea for research – inspired by a book (the 2  of a …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 69

Questions 1-3  Listen from here Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Paper on Public Libraries 1    What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart’s paper? A  how public library services are organised in different countries B  how changes in society are reflected in public libraries C  how the funding of public libraries has changed 2    They agree that …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 68

Questions 1-6  Listen from here Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. CUSTOMER ORDER FORM Example: ORDER PLACED BY:            John Carter ACCOUNT NUMBER  1  COMPANY NAME      2   Envelopes Size        A4 normal Colour     3  Quantity  4  Photocopy paper Colour     5  Quantity  6  …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 67

Questions 1-5 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Different Types of Supermarket Layout Layout Description Advantages Disadvantages Grid parallel aisles •  efficient use of floor space•  Controls1  •   Uninteresting layout•   Shoppers can 2   Through their shopping Free-form 3 organization • customers need more 4  to find products • poor use of space, soless 5  Boutique …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 66

Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Riverdale Pre-school Example Children:                        20 in a class Classes:  First group – Mrs. Oliver Second group – Mrs. 1  Hours &Days:  Suzie will attend 3 days a week for a total of 2  Activities: Outside time Indoors Fees: Now costs 6  $ per term  Fees include: Do not …

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