IELTS Listening

IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 69

Questions 1-3  Listen from here Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Paper on Public Libraries 1    What will be the main topic of Trudie and Stewart’s paper? A  how public library services are organised in different countries B  how changes in society are reflected in public libraries C  how the funding of public libraries has changed 2    They agree that …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 67

Questions 1-5 Complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Different Types of Supermarket Layout Layout Description Advantages Disadvantages Grid parallel aisles •  efficient use of floor space•  Controls1  •   Uninteresting layout•   Shoppers can 2   Through their shopping Free-form 3 organization • customers need more 4  to find products • poor use of space, soless 5  Boutique …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 66

Questions 1-10 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Riverdale Pre-school Example Children:                        20 in a class Classes:  First group – Mrs. Oliver Second group – Mrs. 1  Hours &Days:  Suzie will attend 3 days a week for a total of 2  Activities: Outside time Indoors Fees: Now costs 6  $ per term  Fees include: Do not …

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IELTS Listening Practice Test – Exercise 58

Questions 1 and 2 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C 1 participants in the learner persistence study were all drawn from the same A  age B  geographical area C  socio- economic level 2 the study showed that when starting their course, older students were worried about A  effects on their home life B  implications for their future career C  financial constraints Show …

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