Follow ups questions for-Describe an important decision you made

Describe an important decision you made

  1. Do you always ask for help when making decisions?
    Yes, I typically seek advice from my parents or siblings when making decisions. I believe they understand me and can offer the best guidance and suggestions.
  2. Do you think teenagers are able to take decisions on their own?
    Today, teenagers are well-informed and have extensive exposure due to technology. Most teenagers can make good decisions in everyday situations. However, for significant decisions like choosing a career path, they still require the experience and guidance of their elders.
  3. Why can some make quick decisions and some cannot?
    Individuals who can make quick decisions are clear about their preferences and do not hesitate. They have a straightforward approach. Others may struggle to make quick decisions due to confusion or external factors influencing their decision-making skills, such as varied advice from family, friends, and relatives, or pressure from personal circumstances and societal constraints.
  4. What should national leaders consider when they make decisions?
    National leaders should consider public interests and the future of the nation when making decisions.
  5. Do you think children sometimes have to make important decisions?
    Yes, children may have to make important decisions as they grow older, such as choosing extracurricular activities, making educational or career choices, and decisions about personal values and relationships. Developing decision-making skills with guidance from parents and mentors is crucial.
  6. What important decisions do teenagers need to make after graduation?
    After graduation, teenagers face decisions like choosing a career path, deciding on higher education or entering the workforce, exploring skill development opportunities, managing financial responsibilities, and deciding on living arrangements. Guidance from parents, mentors, and career counsellors is essential during this transitional phase.
  7. Who can children turn to for help when making a decision?
    Children can turn to various sources for help, including parents, teachers, mentors, and trusted adults. These individuals can provide guidance, support, and advice based on their knowledge and experience, helping children make informed choices.
  8. Do you think advertisements can influence our decisions when shopping?
    Yes, advertisements can influence our shopping decisions by using persuasive techniques to grab attention, create desire, and shape preferences. They impact decision-making through highlighting benefits, appealing to emotions, and influencing our perception of value.
  9. Do you think the influence of advertising is good?
    The influence of advertising has both positive and negative aspects. While it provides information, creates awareness, and supports the economy, it can also promote materialism, create unrealistic expectations, and manipulate consumer behavior. It is important to be critical and make informed decisions when exposed to advertising messages.



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