Questions 1-2
For each question, choose TWO letters A-E.
1. ‘Which TWO activities for school groups need to be booked one week in advance?
A drama workshops
B garden sculpture experience
C painting demonstrations
D tours for the blind
E video making
2. Which TWO facilities are closed in winter?
A adventure playground
B artists’ studio
C cafe
D mini zoo
E shop
Tips: Multiple-choice with multiple answers
Task guide
► This task requires you to answer each question by choosing two correct options.
► In order to receive one mark for these questions, you need to choose both correct options. There is no half mark for choosing only one correctly.
► The length of the recording that you hear in this type of task will be less than when there is one mark for each correct answer.
► You will probably hear some reference to each of the options on the list. It is, therefore, important that you are clear what you are listening for. Only two of the options will be the correct answers to the question.
► The options are usually listed alphabetically. The options don’t follow the order in which you will hear the information on the recording.
► Make sure you read the list of possible answers very carefully; they are often quite similar.
Step-by-step guide
► Step 1 – Think first
The words on the recording may or may not be the same as the words in the options. Prepare yourself for hearing various ways of describing the options on the list.
For example, option A is ‘drama workshops‘. You may hear ‘drama workshops’, but you may also hear ‘workshops involving drama‘, ‘practical activities using drama‘, ‘activities that involve acting‘, and so on.
If you prepare yourself like this, you will be more likely to understand whether option A is a correct answer to Question 1.
► Step 2 – Listen carefully
Look at options C and D. Can you think of different ways to describe them?
- C tours for the blind = _________
- D painting demonstration = _________
Now look at this part of the tapescript. Underline the words that relate to options C and D. Are the words used in the tapescript the same as in the options? Are they similar to words you predicted?
It’s nice to see so many of you here. I’m going to tell you something about Holiylands – our facilities and activities, and the exhibitions we have coming up. I hope you’ll find it interesting and bring your pupils along. For most of what we have to offer here, you can just turn up with your party. I’m pleased to say that recent work has meant that the whole centre is prepared for blind visitors. There are a couple of activities where we ask you to book a week in advance. We only have artists that you can watch painting at certain times, so we need notice of your coming for that.
► Step 3 – Think about what you hear
- Option D: Blind visitors are mentioned, but there do not seem to be tours for the blind, and there is no requirement to book a certain number of days in advance. Although you hear something about blind people, you do not hear the answer to the question. You should not choose option C as an answer.
- Option C: In this case, ‘painting demonstrations‘ has become ‘artists that you can watch painting’. You hear that because Hollylands only has ‘artists … at certain times‘ they ‘need notice’. This ‘notice‘ links to the previous sentence: ‘activities where we ask you to book a week in advance‘.
You hear something about options C and D, but only C is a correct answer to Question 1.
► Step 4 – Listen and do the task
Questions 3-7
Complete the table below.
History in Pictures | 3 | opportunity to go on an old bus |
4 | 19th September | visitors can use 5 service |
6 | 11th November | competition prize: 7 for 2 people |
Tips: Table completion
Task guide
► This task requires you to listen and fill in a table with the correct information.
► It is important to write in exactly what is required, so you should look carefully at the whole table to see how the information is organised.
► If there are words or numbers before and/or after the numbered gaps, these are likely not to be the actual words that you hear on the tape, but similar words that have the same meaning.
► You must fill in the numbered gaps with the exact words and numbers that you hear on the recording.
► Read the instructions carefully. Notice how many words you can use to fill in each gap. The number of words may vary; you may be asked to write a maximum of one, two or three words in each gap. The instructions will also tell you if you need to use a number for your answer.
► You need to listen carefully, as the recording may contain other information which may seem correct, but which will in fact be wrong for the purposes of completing the table.
Step-by-step guide
► Step 1 – Think first
Prepare for this task by thinking about how the information might be presented on the recording.
For example, an ‘exhibition‘ might be described as a ‘show‘ or an ‘event‘. These exhibitions might ‘have the name‘, ‘have the title‘ or ‘be called‘ something.
Think of different ways to talk about the ‘starting date‘.
Starting date= ………………
► Step 2 – Check what you hear
OK, now we run a programme of exhibitions through the year, so I’ll tell you about the next few. Our current exhibition, Local Lives, ends on 26th August, and then one called History in Pictures starts on 28th August. This includes all sorts of objects and experiences from the past, such as farm machinery and some cars. We’re sure children will love the chance to have a ride on an old bus.
- What is the correct answer for Question 3? ………………………………….
- What wrong answer might you write for Question 3 if you didn’t listen carefully? ………………………
- How is the ‘opportunity to go on an old bus‘ described in the tapescript? ………………………………….
- Why should you not write ‘on‘ as part of your answer to Question 3? …………………………………….
► Step 3 – Listen and do the task
Questions 8-10
Label the plan below.
Choose THREE answers from the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 8-10.

A bicycle parking
B drinks machine
C first aid room
D manager’s office
E telephones
F ticket office
G toilets
Tips: Labelling a map/plan/diagram
Task guide
► This task requires you to label a plan (or map or diagram) correctly.
► You must use the information you hear on the recording to decide which of the possible answers are correct for the places marked on the plan.
► You may have to find two or more places from a list of several possible answers.
► It is important that you look carefully at the plan, so that you are ready to find your way around it while listening to the recording.
► The options will probably be listed alphabetically, but the order in which you hear them will probably be different.
► If you miss one answer, don’t worry too much – move on to the next one. You should be able to find each answer independently of the other(s).
Step-by-step guide
► Step 1 – Get in position
In order to answer the questions correctly, you need to start reading the plan from the correct point. You need to locate the starting point on the plan.
On the plan here, there are two possible starting points: ‘Entrance from road‘ and ‘Museum‘. Think about the position of the arrows as well. Where will the directions probably start?
► Step 2 – Think first
It is possible that the options will be expressed in a different way in the tapescript.
Look at how option A is described in the tapescript.
So, whether you come by car or bicycle, you’ll come in from the road. Cars then park to the left, through the gates into the car park, and bikes to the right, through the gates opposite.
- Is option A a correct answer for Question 8, 9 or 10? …………
Now look at how option B is described in the tapescript.
Cyclists in particular might be feeling thirsty at this point, and you can get a drink from the machine at the end of the bike park, half way to the museum entrance.
- Is option B a correct answer for Question 8, 9 or 10? …………
- Options A and B have come first and second in the recording. Do we know if option C will come next?…………
► Step 3 – Listen and do the task