Questions 1-4
You will hear two undergraduates doing a research methods course – a girl called Leela and a boy called Jake – having a seminar with their tutor.
Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.
Research on web-based crosswords
1 Leela and Jake chose this article because
A it was on a topic familiar to most students.
B it covered both IT and education issues.
C it dealt with a very straightforward concept.
2 How did Leela and Jake persuade students to take part in their research?
A They convinced them they would enjoy the experience.
B They said it would help them do a particular test.
C They offered to help them with their own research later on.
3 Leela and Jake changed the design of the original questionnaire because
A it was too short for their purposes.
B it asked misleading questions.
C it contained out-of-date points.
4 Leela was surprised by the fact that
A it is normal for questionnaire returns to be low.
B so many students sent back their questionnaires.
C the questionnaire responses were of such high quality.
Questions 5-6
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO things did respondents say they liked most about doing the crossword?
A It helped them spell complex technical terms.
B It was an enjoyable experience.
C It helped them concentrate effectively.
D It increased their general motivation to study.
E It showed what they still needed to study.
Questions 7-8
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
In which TWO areas did these research findings differ from those of the original study?
A Students’ interest in doing similar exercises.
B How much students liked doing the crossword.
C Time taken to do the crossword.
D Gender differences in appreciation.
E Opinions about using crosswords for formal assessment.
Questions 9-10
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
What TWO skills did Leela and Jake agree they had learned from the project?
A How to manage their time effectively.
B How to process numerical data.
C How to design research tools.
D How to reference other people’s work.
E How to collaborate in research.