- Do you read books regularly? When?
I read books, but not as frequently as before. Nowadays, finding time to read is a challenge for me. - How have your reading habits changed compared to the past?
One significant difference is that, in my childhood, free from stress and worries, I could finish a book in one go. However, these days, completing a book in a month is a rare accomplishment for me. Additionally, my preference has shifted gradually from fiction to nonfiction. - Have you read a book that has been turned into a film?
Yes, I’ve read numerous novels that have been adapted into films. Among them, Harry Potter stands out as the most renowned. - What do you favor: reading books or watching movies?
These days, I lean towards watching movies due to time constraints. Nevertheless, I acknowledge that some movies fail to capture the essence of the books they are based on. Therefore, my preference depends on the quality of the adaptation.